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At its inception in December 1997, the Barnett Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. established five principal objectives:

  1. Identify and collect documentary records and memorabilia of historical significance that relate to Barnett Bank and its subsidiary and acquired institutions;

  2. Arrange for permanent memorabilia displays and historical exhibits that memorialize the Barnett story in museums, libraries and other suitable locations;

  3. Investigate alternatives for the permanent housing of documentary records and transfer the historical collection to the designated archives ensuring that the selected institution has the expertise for responsible records management and the commitment to promote the awareness and use of the Barnett collection for research purposes;

  4. Promote the research, writing and publication of a Barnett history; and

  5. Develop other outreach programs to promote the preservation of the Barnett legacy.

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In addressing these objectives, the Foundation is directed by a seven person board of directors, all of whom are former Barnett executives:

Board of Directors

Allen L. Lastinger, Jr. Chairman

David J. Ginzl, President

Roseann Duran, Secretary & Treasurer

William Bion Barnett

Judy Beaubouef

John Cannon, III

Roland Kennedy

It is the intention of the board of directors that upon completion of its objectives (anticipated to be December 2001) that the Foundation will establish an endowment to help fund additional study into the history of banking in Florida (to include further research into the Barnett historical records, but also other banks and other banking issues) and then the Foundation will cease active operation.

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The Foundation has been collecting records and memorabilia that can help to tell the Barnett story, e.g., photographs, news clippings, employee newsletters, internal reports, correspondence, and other related materials from any of the six hundred plus Barnett offices.  All of the historical records and memorabilia that are collected are being donated to the Florida State Archives in Tallahassee, to be available to future researchers and for museum displays. The first set of records were given to the Archives in March 1999, and the remainder of the collection will be transferred in stages during 1999-2001.  Inquiries about potential donations should be directed to:

David J. Ginzl

After January 1, 2002, inquiries about donating additional materials should be addressed directly to the Florida State Archives in Tallahassee.

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